The GBM School of Pastoral Teachers


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Student Enrolment

The visible church has gone through many changes over the years.

Today we have what is known as Charismatic Churches, we have Prophetic Churches, and we have Apostolic Churches. Then we have the original traditional churches such as Catholic, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and others, which simply remained in their original foundations.

But it is time for God to move again in a fresh way as He has done in times past when all of these original movements were created.

And what better time for this to begin to manifest, than in a Church that has just come through a worldwide pandemic that sought to destroy its very foundations?

A New Pastoral Teaching Movement

A new movement has been launched in the Spirit, which we explain below. But to get you on track right away, Apostle Les preached a message on this into camera which has been uploaded to YouTube for everyone to view.

You can go and watch it right now here:

Towards the end of the last century, a new movement was birthed where the Prophetic Ministry is concerned, and then as the new century began, another new movement was birthed, which brought the Apostolic Ministry into clearer focus.

Since then, the main emphasis on ministry has come in these two main branches of the Fivefold Ministry. God began to raise up many in the Prophetic Ministry and then in the Apostolic Ministry, and today anyone who desires to train for ministry inevitably seeks to be trained in either the prophetic or apostolic.

Because both of these ministries emphasize the supernatural, there is more teaching on how to move in the Spirit than there is on becoming grounded in the Scriptures. Where Bible teaching is concerned most of the well-documented materials were written some time ago by Bible Teachers who have since gone on to be with the Lord.

Role of Word of Faith

The only ministry at present that places a heavy emphasis on the Word is that branch of teaching which has come to be known as the Word of Faith teaching. And although the founder of this movement has gone on to be with the Lord, his disciples and their disciples have continued to promote the original principles taught.

But the Word of Faith does not essentially embrace the Teaching Ministry. It simply embraces a doctrinal viewpoint that emphasizes the importance of the Word. You do not need to be a teacher to present these teachings, even though the Word is emphasized.

What at first appeared to be a new Teaching Movement has gravitated to just another doctrinal viewpoint. And this too is now going the way of past new teachings, as the original preachers are aging and coming to the end of their lives.

It is time for a New Teaching Movement that will be similar to the Prophetic and Apostolic movements. It will break through the bounds and limitations of the existing systems and manifest in every church group that exists today.

No Professional Approach

Those who will take part in this new movement will NOT be Bible Scholars who have studied theology in detail and are well-versed in all the theological foundations of the past.

But they will be ordinary people who have learned through the experiences of life to take the Word and use it to overcome all difficulties in their spiritual lives.

As with the other new movements that God is bringing into the Church, this movement will not be limited to only the leaders in the Church. But every believer who has gone through varied experiences in their lives will be able to learn how to use the Word practically, and then also show others how to do the same.

God is about to make this a reality in the Body of Christ by igniting every born-again believer to embrace the Scriptures in a new way.

As always, we at GBMI remain on the cutting edge of what God is doing. And to help this movement rise up and succeed, we have set in place this brand new school to help those who desire to be used in the ministry of the Pastoral Teacher.

Spiritual And Apostolic Parenting

Teaching Office Versus Pastoral Teacher

There is a higher level kind of teaching ministry known as the Teaching Office which will be carried out only by those who are qualified and have risen up as leaders in the Church. But the standard ministry of the teacher as listed amongst the Fivefold Ministry is that of the Pastoral Teacher.

Paul presents this as a standard combination when he lists what is generally known as the Fivefold Ministry in the following passage:

Ephesians 4: 11 And He Himself gave some apostles, and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; [GBMV]

Granville Sharp’s Rule

This verse is set in a Greek construction known as Granville Sharp’s Rule. This rule states that if a set of nouns are joined together with the word ‘and’ but they all contain the Greek article (which in English is basically the word ‘the’ in front of them) then they refer to distinctly different items.

But if two nouns are joined this way and do not contain the article, then they both refer to the same thing or a different aspect of the same thing.

The first three nouns in this verse i.e. apostles, prophets, and evangelists all contain the article, so they are distinct items. But the words pastor and teacher are joined without the article, which means that they refer to a different aspect of the same thing.

So effectively Paul is telling us here that the pastor and teacher are one ministry. And we refer to this for simplicity as the ministry of the Pastoral Teacher.

Become Part of This New Move

This school was created in obedience to the Lord’s instruction to us to offer training and resources to help every believer learn how to flow in the pastoral teaching ministry.

We are offering you, not only teaching, but mentorship, impartation, and activation as a student of the GBM School of Pastoral Teachers. Here you will learn how the Pastoral Teaching Ministry works and how you can begin to exercise such a ministry, even if you have never done any kind of ministry before.

Even if you have already moved up into some of the higher levels of ministry in the Fivefold Ministry, you will greatly benefit from this school because of its completely practical approach to the subject.

The materials are simple enough for any believer at any level to grasp but intensive enough for even mature ministers to embrace.

Gbm Bookshop

Access To GBM Books

As a student and partner of Global Business Ministries, you will get free access to every book written by Apostles Les and Daphne Crause on the new GBM Book website at

Ministry Via WhatsApp

You will not only receive cutting-edge teachings but also personal ministry via a special WhatsApp group, where you can fellowship and receive personal ministry along with other students.

Students are required to have downloaded and installed WhatsApp on their mobile phones. This app is free and can be linked to an app on a laptop or desktop computer to allow you to communicate using the keyboard of the computer instead of the limited-screen keyboard on your phone.

Cutting Edge Teachings via Video, Audio, and Text

All lessons are available in the form of Video teachings which the student can either watch online or download to watch at their ease.

For those who prefer audio or reading printed text, each lecture will also be available as an MP3 audio download or .pdf ebook which can all be downloaded to your laptop, or to your mobile device if it allows downloads

If You Hunger And Thirst For More of Him

We are looking for those whose hearts are yearning for more of the Lord Jesus and His mighty power in their lives.

1. If you long to experience His power in your life, and are ready and willing to take that power out into this dark world.

2. If you are ready to extend God’s Kingdom into the earth and displace the Realm of Darkness.

3. If you want to see believers break free of their difficulties and know the truths in the Word that will accomplish this.

4. If you are prepared to do what it takes to be an instrument of blessing in the hands of the Lord.

Then we would like to welcome you to the GBM School of Pastoral Teachers